Cylindrical Tanks and Vessels

Cylindrical Tanks and Vessels

The photographs illustrate various cylindrical tanks and vessels made from GRP (FRP) and one from HDPE (High Density Polyethylene). The design of smaller tanks may only require the consideration of the hydrostatic head of the contents and the ability of the material chosen to be resistant to the contents.  Most storage tanks operate at atmospheric pressure, but there may be a need to design for a positive or negative internal pressure for some applications. In the case of larger tanks, there is often a need to check the design for wind and seismic loads. Depending on the standard, there may be a need to check live loads on the tank top. Some tanks may have ladders, platforms or walkways, which also must be taken into account in the loadings. When seismic loads are considered, the height of the sploshing wave must be checked to ascertain whether the tank top may affected. If necessary, the amount of freeboard may be increased or the top designed to accommodate this internal loading. Flat-bottomed tanks must be provided with suitable level foundations, usually concrete. Those supported on legs may need special consideration. When tanks are subject to wind or seismic loads, they must be provided with a sufficient number of suitable hold-down lugs, designed to minimise local bending loads in the tank wall. The strength of the concrete and the anchor bolts must be adequate to resist the overturning loads. The GRP (FRP) tanks shown have been designed to meet the requirements of ANSI RPT-1, BS 4994 or BS EN 13121 standards and the HDPE tank to meet DVS 2205. These standards are listed and described in the relevant page on standards.

Scrubbers_3200x12000Water Treatment Scrubbers

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameter: 3200 mm.
Shell height: 12000 mm.
Top: conical.

CaCl2-Tank_4000x7000Calcium Chloride Storage Tank

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameter: 4000 mm.
Shell height: 7000 mm.
Top: flat, designed for 250 lb live load.
Contents: calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution, specific gravity: 1.51.
Designed for wind loads.

Clarifier_3000x6400Sludge Thickener

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameter: 3000 mm.
Height to top of shell: 6400 mm.
Top: Flat top with stiffener, designed for 250 lb live load.
Bottom: conical.
Contents: water, sludge, specific gravity: 1.2
Designed for seismic loads.

Filtered_Water_Tank_4000x8000Filtered Water Tank

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameter: 4000 mm.
Shell height: 8000 mm.
Top: flat with stiffeners, designed for 250 lb live load.
Contents: water, specific gravity: 1.00
Designed for seismic loads.

NaOCl_Tank_3500x7625Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Tank

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameter: 3500 mm.
Shell height: 7625 mm.
Top: torispherical head designed for 250 lb live load.
Contents: sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution, specific gravity: 1.03.
Designed for wind and seismic loads.
Tank in final stages of finishing.

Conc.HCl_Tanks_3800x9760Hydrochloric Acid Storage Tanks

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameters: 3800 mm.
Shell heights: 9760 mm.
Top: torispherical heads designed for 250 lb live load.
Contents: 35% hydrochloric acid (HCl), specific gravity: 1.17.
Designed for wind and seismic loads.
The installed tanks have ladders, platforms and connecting walkways.

Conc.HCl_Tank_2100x4300Hydrochloric Acid Storage Tank

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameter: 2100 mm.
Shell length: 4300 mm.
Heads: semi-ellipsoidal.
Contents: 30% hydrochloric acid (HCl), specific gravity: 1.15 (design: 1.38).
One saddle will slide on a floor plate and the installed tank will be insulated.

Scrubber_Condenser_1150X4300Scrubber Condenser

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameter: 2100 mm.
Shell length: 4300 mm.
Top and bottom heads: semi-ellipsoidal.
Contents: process water.
Designed for full vacuum @ 80⁰ C.

NaOH_Vacuum_Tank_700x1450 Sodium Hydroxide Measuring Tank

Material: GRP (FRP) – glass-fibre reinforced vinyl ester.
Diameter: 700 mm.
Shell height: 1450 mm.
Top: flat.
Contents: sodium hydroxide (NaOH), specific gravity: 1.53.
Designed for full vacuum @ 60⁰ C.

All tanks and vessels shown above were manufactured by AceOn Manufacturing (M) Sdn. Bhd.

HDPE_Conc.HCl_Tank_3400x4500Hydrochloric Acid Storage Tank

Material: HDPE (high-density polyethylene).
Diameter: 3400 mm.
Shell height: 4500 mm.
Top: conical
Contents: 35% hydrochloric acid (HCl), specific gravity: 1.17.
Designed for wind and seismic loads.

Manufactured by PT. Plastikatama Teknologi Industri

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